Nearly every day there is news of yet another company hack that could have been prevented with cloud security. Instead, hackers stole valuable private data. A company’s reputation was seriously damaged. The hack may even destroy clients’ trust in the company.

Secure data and increase productivity

Cloud security is one of the most important ways you can secure your company data. If you’re considering a cloud-based data solution, then now is the perfect time to see what else you can gain from a platform that supports your operations. For general contractors and subcontractors, GLXY is a secure cloud-based platform that also significantly increases productivity and helps you deliver your construction projects on time

GLXY helps contractors eliminate and automate redundant tasks. Documents are securely managed and shared via a central document repository. Shared cloud-based documents allow real-time communication with subcontractors, owners and project managers.

Spreadsheets no longer ‘good enough’

In short, spreadsheets simply cannot provide the level of security, detail, and timeliness that clients expect and deserve. A cloud-based portal keeps all data at your fingertips. Plus, you can share precisely the info you want to share with each teammate.

Make it difficult for hackers to reach your data

Hackers are usually one step ahead of the good guys, so take defensive measures. In short, it’s imperative that your cloud software solution has the right security in place. When configured properly, the cloud provides your business the best protection around, and typically at very cost-effective rates.

With the GLXY One cloud solution for your business, your data is hosted in the Microsoft Azure cloud. It is encrypted with the latest technology and constantly updated with the latest security protocols. It is secured with multi-factor authentication so that you can rest easy at night knowing that it will be extremely difficult for a hacker to access your data. In addition, your data is replicated in different areas of the country to ensure that in the unlikely event of a breach or corruption, your data can be recovered within minutes.

Want to learn more? Schedule a Demo

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