Younger workers want technology. It’s up to you to provide it in order to attract and keep them.

Generation Z is making their way into the workforce. This generation has grown up with technology as a pillar of their upbringing. While the construction trade has been around for decades, it’s not one most of the youngest workers are pulled to. They want the latest tech involved in their jobs. Construction is no exception. Millennials also appreciate the tech, and the elder millennials are old enough to have the years of experience you want your employees to have.

Since labor shortage has been a real issue, especially in the construction industry, you need to make sure you offer a competitive reason to attract Gen Z and other qualified applicants to join the ranks of your construction pros.

generation z

1. Make the Application Process as Simple as Possible

1. Make the Application Process as Simple as Possible

If you want to attract younger workers as well as experienced ones, you need to make sure that your application process is streamlined and simple. No one wants to jump through hoops just to apply for a job, so make it easy for them by keeping your application short and to the point.

Most of the up-and-coming workforce likes to apply via online platforms, which means you need to post openings on sites like Glassdoor or Indeed. Keeping the process simple includes offering an “easy apply” option. Applicants would like to be able to just click a few times and then submit.

2. Use Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool. It can help you reach a larger audience. It’s also especially useful with those entering the workforce. Use platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to post job openings and attract top talent.

It’s also worth noting which platforms your target demographic uses. For example, if you’re trying to reach Gen Z candidates, you won’t find them on Facebook. Instead, you’ll probably have better luck on TikTok. However, you might find elder millennials on Facebook.

generation z

2. Use Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool. It can help you reach a larger audience. It’s also especially useful with those entering the workforce. Use platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to post job openings and attract top talent.

It’s also worth noting which platforms your target demographic uses. For example, if you’re trying to reach Gen Z candidates, you won’t find them on Facebook. Instead, you’ll probably have better luck on TikTok. However, you might find elder millennials on Facebook.

generation z
generation z

3. Offer Flexible Hours

3. Offer Flexible Hours

Flexible hours are becoming more popular. Gen Z and millennials value work/life balance. If you offer flexible hours, you’ll attract a wider pool of applicants. You might even get those who might not have considered your company otherwise.

Flexibility doesn’t necessarily mean offering hours outside of typical operating hours. Instead, it could mean that you’re open to a four-day workweek. You might even offer a split shift for people who need it. It also means that communication with respect to requests for time off  is easy. For example, if someone needs to call in sick or they have an emergency, they can reach you via something like Slack or Discord.

4. Promote Your Company Culture

4. Promote Your Company Culture

Your company culture is critical for new candidates. It’s one of the most important factors in attracting and keeping employees. Make sure you’re promoting it effectively. Use your website, social media, and job postings to show off your company culture and highlight what makes it unique.

Don’t be afraid to talk about the way your company embraces technology and diversity. These are things potential workers want to see in companies they’ll work for in the future.

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5. Offer Training and Development Opportunities

5. Offer Training and Development Opportunities

Younger workers are always looking for ways to improve their skills. They have goals to advance their careers. If you offer training and development opportunities, you’ll attract top talent and keep them engaged long term. Online courses or classes that are completely paid for by your company will also attract potential candidates.

The thing to remember is that Gen Z has been raised with more of a push to continue education beyond high school or even college. It has become expected that ongoing learning is part of a successful future more now than ever. They’ll look for this to keep expanding the possibility of a successful future.

generation z

6. Provide Perks and Benefits

6. Provide Perks and Benefits

Perks and benefits are other major factors in engaging and keeping employees. Younger workers are especially attracted to companies that offer freebies. Things like free food, gym memberships, and vacation days make people happy. Some companies offer an unlimited amount of paid sick days too.

In this post-pandemic world, candidates can be further incentivized to apply by having the option to work remotely. Even a hybrid choice will attract applicants if they know they only have to go into the office a day or two out of the week and can work remotely the rest of the time.

Don’t forget to learn about parental and women’s rights. Making sure that you have an on-site lactation room is a major bonus to new moms. Offering things like maternal or paternal leave as well are big deal-makers.

Businesses who pay for ongoing learning is also something that candidates will look for. Gen Z is especially attracted to these options, as many of them will be looking to start a family and work toward a stable future.

7. Invest in Technology

Technology is becoming more and more necessary in the construction industry. It’s crucial that you invest in the latest tools and technologies to keep up. By doing so, you’ll not only be able to draw younger workers but also stay ahead of the competition.

That means investing in tech like GLXY Software Solutions. Inside the platform, you’ll be able to stay on schedule. You’ll also connect with your team, vendors, and subcontractors with a click. Younger workers like direct connectivity and using the latest technology to make communication easier.


7. Invest in Technology

Technology is becoming more and more necessary in the construction industry. It’s crucial that you invest in the latest tools and technologies to keep up. By doing so, you’ll not only be able to draw younger workers but also stay ahead of the competition.

That means investing in tech like GLXY Software Solutions. Inside the platform, you’ll be able to stay on schedule. You’ll also connect with your team, vendors, and subcontractors with a click. Younger workers like direct connectivity and using the latest technology to make communication easier.

generation z

8. Make Safety a Priority

8. Make Safety a Priority

Safety is also always a top concern for workers. It’s important that you make it a priority for your company. By investing in safety training and equipment, you’ll be able to attract younger workers. They are actively looking for a safe and healthy work environment.

This may also mean having a top-of-the-line emergency notification system. The best ones work within your company’s existing structure. These are the systems that can send out emergency notices specific to your company to all available channels, including SMS and email.

9. Be Environmentally Friendly

9. Be Environmentally Friendly

Younger workers are often drawn to companies that are eco-friendly. It’s vital that you attempt to reduce your company’s carbon footprint to attract new workers. There are many easy ways to do this, such as recycling, using energy-efficient devices, and on-site composting.

Technology can also be brought into your company by promoting the use of apps that reduce your carbon footprint. Issue regular challenges that also result in a positive impact to the environment. Interest employees with a hashtag the company can use and share for things as simple as using refillable water bottles.

10. Give Back to the Community

Giving back to the community is a great way to show that your company cares about more than profits. There are many ways to do this, such as volunteering, donating to charity, or supporting local causes. As a company, you can also do toy drives, coat collections, or simply share causes that your firm supports.

Share your volunteering events via social media. Your future labor pool will see what you’re doing and decide they want to be a part of it. By doing so, you’ll be able to attract new workers who are looking for a team that cares about making a change.

generation z

10. Give Back to the Community

Giving back to the community is a great way to show that your company cares about more than profits. There are many ways to do this, such as volunteering, donating to charity, or supporting local causes. As a company, you can also do toy drives, coat collections, or simply share causes that your firm supports.

Share your volunteering events via social media. Your future labor pool will see what you’re doing and decide they want to be a part of it. By doing so, you’ll be able to attract new workers who are looking for a team that cares about making a change.

generation z

A Few Final Thoughts

A Few Final Thoughts

Appealing to younger workers can be hard, but it’s not hopeless. Offer training and development events to prove you’re committed to individual improvement. Provide perks and benefits to entice and keep employees.

Think about providing and supporting technology to stay ahead of the competition. Giving back to the community also shows that your firm cares more about people than profits. Sharing these details on social media will attract them to the workforce.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding and getting the best and brightest of the latest additions to the workforce.

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